‘Save the Iberian Orca’ campaign features on Germany’s biggest science TV show
Galileo, German’s biggest science TV show, has broadcast a segment on the ‘Save the Iberian Orca’…
The WeWhale Pod Episode 16 - Patrick Dykstra
Our guest for this episode of The WeWhale Pod is Patrick Dykstra, wildlife filmmaker and TV…
The Great Migrators
Whales travel tens of thousands of kilometres during their lifetime, and they usually make these…
Deep dive...into Sei whales
The third largest whale species after blue whales and fin whales, sei whales are usually observed…
Deep dive...into Cuvier's beaked whales
The Cuvier’s beaked whale is one of the larger members of the beaked whale family. Found in most…
Deep dive…into Bowhead whales
Living exclusively in the Arctic region, the bowhead whale is the longest-living mammal on earth.…
New website for WeWhale Association is launched
We’re delighted to launch a new website for WeWhale Association, the sister organisation of…
Deep dive...into Beluga whales
One of the smallest species of whale, the beluga whale belongs to the family Monodontidae, along…
Deep dive…into Bryde’s whales
Bryde’s whales, which belong to the baleen whale family, are found in warm temperate, subtropical…
How to Speak Whale: A Voyage into the Future of Animal Communication
“Either we continue to imagine and project onto them all sorts of things about the inner…