Deep dive…into False killer whales
While their name suggests otherwise, false killer whales are actually dolphins. They’re highly…
Deep dive...into Sei whales
The third largest whale species after blue whales and fin whales, sei whales are usually observed…
Deep dive...into Beluga whales
One of the smallest species of whale, the beluga whale belongs to the family Monodontidae, along…
Deep dive...into Risso's dolphins
Tending to inhabit deep offshore waters, Risso’s dolphins are the fifth largest member of the…
Deep dive…into Bryde’s whales
Bryde’s whales, which belong to the baleen whale family, are found in warm temperate, subtropical…
7 Reasons Why The Ocean Is So Important
On World Ocean Day (8 June), it’s time to celebrate our ocean and to advocate for doing all in our…
How to Speak Whale: A Voyage into the Future of Animal Communication
“Either we continue to imagine and project onto them all sorts of things about the inner…
Deep dive into...Common dolphins
Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) are often spotted in large groups and are highly sociable.…
Whales That Made a Mark on the World: The Thames Whale
In our fourth blog on whales who captured the attention of the world and the hearts of people, we…
Deep dive...into Right whales
A type of baleen whale, right whales have three different species – the North Atlantic right whale…